Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017

A+E Networks has launched Blaze, an HD factual entertainment channel, on Sky Italia. The launch follows the channel’s UK launch in the UK in 2016.

“We are proud to continue the growth of Blaze with the launch in Italy with Sky,” said Dean Possenniskie, GM, EMEA, A+E Networks. “By offering uniquely innovative, original, and quality content, Blaze will be the place for those viewers looking for remarkable, extraordinary characters and stories. The new channel strengthens the position of A+E Networks Italy, where the Company is already present with History and Crime+Investigation channels, both broadcast on Sky.”

“The launch of Blaze enriches and implements A+E Networks Italy offer on Sky Italia,” says Sherin Salvetti, General Manager of A+E Networks Italy. “In a few years our Company has become a strong player in the Italian TV market, working closely with Sky Italia, taking advantage from the great A+E Networks content portfolio and developing local compelling stories for the Italian audience. History has reinforced the history genre with a wide range of historical shows, while Crime+Investigation is the home of the investigation on real crime stories. Now Blaze will be the house of factual entertainment in Italy.”


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A+E Networks

От години Global Listings доставя програмни услуги на всички наши пазари, включително и във Великобритания. Внимателната, добросъвестната, своевременната и прецизната работа на целият екип на Global Listings внесе яснота и ефективност в конкурентен аспект от телевизионния бизнес с нарастваща важност. Професионалните им услуги гарантират, че изпълняваме обещанията си към партньорски платформи, кабелни оператори и медии. Освен това сме сигурни, че при възникване на проблеми, GL ще ни помогне да ги разрешим.