Friday, April 20th, 2018

Cook and blogger Ree Drummond, well known for her popular Food Network series The Pioneer Woman, and her husband, Ladd, have opened a new hotel in Pawhuska, Oklahoma.

The Boarding House features eight unique themed rooms offering what Drummond calls “cowboy luxury”. The building, which was originally constructed in the 1920s, was recently renovated by Drummond and her husband over the course of nine months.

“It originally housed The Indian Silk Shop as well as Curios and Pickens Ready-to-Wear,” Drummond said. “It later became a J.C. Penney department store, where some residents of Pawhuska still remember going to shop as a child.”

“We are honoured to breathe new life into this old gem and let its natural beauty shine.”

The Boarding House offers plenty of amenities, including turndown service, personalised morning coffee, and complimentary wine and beer happy hour. The themed rooms include The Ranch, The Boudoir and The Emerald Room, and all have décor corresponding to their names.

The hotel, which is located down the road from the couple’s restaurant The Mercantile, is set to be a popular attraction – PEOPLE magazine recently revealed that it sold out the first six months within less than 30 minutes.


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