Friday, January 26th, 2018

PBS America brings British viewers new programming exploring days past this month, including specials on King Henry VIII, the Duke of Wellington and the Victorian era.

Henry VIII: Mind of a Tyrant airs Tuesday 6 February through Friday 8 February at 7:50pm and will take a close look at the Tudor sovereign most remembered for his six wives and the Reformation. Join host David Starkey as he follows Henry VIII’s transition from romantic prince to bloated tyrant.

Wellington: The Iron Duke Unmasked premieres Thursday 8 February at 10:15pm. This docu-drama starring actor Richard E Grant uses the Duke’s personal correspondence to delve deep into his character and personal relationships, revealing an intimate portrait of the renowned Anglo-Irish soldier and statesman.

Four-part series The Victorians follows host Jeremy Paxman as he explores how the Victorians helped make Britain the richest and most powerful country in the world. The Victorians airs Monday 5 February to Thursday 8 February at 9pm.

PBS America is available to watch on Freeview channel 94, Freesat channel 155, Virgin Media channel 276 and Sky channel 534, as well as Amazon video and Sky On Demand.


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