Friday, April 27th, 2018

Writer and television personality Martha Stewart will join Food Network’s cooking elimination show Chopped for its 38th series.

Her first episode as a recurring guest judge will air on 5 June, alongside host Ted Allen and series regulars Maneet Chauhan, Scott Conant, Amanda Freitag, Alex Guarnaschelli, Marc Murphy, Marcus Samuelsson, Chris Santos and Geoffrey Zakarian.

Martha Stewart has hosted Martha Stewart Living and The Martha Stewart Show, written 90 books and appeared in films and TV shows including Pixels, Men in Black II and The Simpsons.

Food Network and HGTV programming EVP Courtney White said: “As a lifestyle expert and bestselling author with millions of devoted followers and fans, Martha Stewart’s name is synonymous with perfection.

“Having Martha’s expertise within the newest season of Chopped further reinforces why the series has long been one of the toughest culinary competitions on television.”


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