Friday, March 2nd, 2018

Following up a successful sophomore run that drew more than 16 million viewers, HGTV’s home renovation series Good Bones will return for a third season this April.

Good Bones tracks mother-daughter dream team Karen E Laine, a former lawyer, and Mina Starsiak, a real estate agent, as they restore and revitalise Indianapolis neighbourhoods one property at a time. Their method: buy rundown houses with hidden potential, strip them down to the ‘bones’, and transform them into fabulous urban remodels.

In the first two seasons, this self-taught design duo gave new life to a number of dilapidated family homes in their native Indianapolis, thereby cementing their down-to-earth, Midwestern brand of TV house flipping. Season three promises to up the ante by featuring higher-risk projects in some less familiar areas of the city. And with Mina preparing to become parent for the first time, the personal stakes are sure to be higher than ever.

“Now that I’m going to be a mom, I feel like our mission is even more important,” said Mina. “We’re improving Indianapolis now for our neighbours, but also for future generations who will call this city home.”

Season 3 will debut on HGTV on Tuesday, 3 April at 10pm ET/PT before moving to its new 9pm ET/PT timeslot starting 10 April. For exclusive content, online viewers can visit and interact via social media using #GoodBones.


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