Friday, April 27th, 2018

Telemundo has launched a new Sunday primetime franchise titled Series Premium, following the success of its daily Super Series genre that launched three years ago.

Series Premium, which kicked off with the highly anticipated Luis Miguel, La Serie, will feature Spanish-language content and what it promises to be high-end productions in a shorter weekly format of 10 to 15 episodes, featuring well-known stars and contemporary storytelling based on “bold bigger-than-life” characters.

The move is part of the network’s plan to evolve its content to meet the dynamic media consumption habits of Latinos in the US across all its platforms.

Leveraging the successful track record of Telemundo Global Studios in producing high-quality long format scripted programming, and working together with prestigious production partners, Telemundo’s Series Premium production pipeline includes the thriller El Recluso, bio-series Nicky Jam: El Ganador, crime series Falco, and El Secreto de Selena, among others.

“We are proud to continue redefining Hispanic media with yet another innovative franchise that fulfils the content needs of Latinos today,” said Luis Silberwasser, President of Telemundo Networks. “We recognise the viewing habits of the Hispanic audience are constantly evolving and are excited to offer a new genre of programming with incredible stories, world class production values, and A-list talent that will become appointment viewing on Sunday primetime.”


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