Friday, February 23rd, 2018

Jane Seymour (Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman) and Chelsea Kane (Baby Daddy) share the lead role of Harper Hutton in the 2013 comedy musical Lovestruck: The Musical, coming to Movies 24 in March.

Seymour stars as Harper Hutton, a Broadway-obsessed mother who pushes her daughter Mirabella (Sara Paxton) to pursue the acting career she never had.

When Mirabella rebels and runs off to Italy to get married, Harper takes matters into her own hands with the help of a potion that makes her young again. With her youth back, Harper (now played by Chelsea Kane) packs her bags for Italy to sabotage the wedding – with plenty of singing and dancing along the way.

The pop-heavy soundtrack features music made famous by Lady Gaga, Madonna, Usher and more, with plenty of dancing from the former ‘Dancing with the Stars’ contestants Seymour (season 5) and Kane (season 12).

Lovestruck: The Musical premieres on Movies 24 on Sunday 4 March at 3pm.


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