Friday, February 2nd, 2018

E! News has launched a new show, What the Fashion, on Snapchat Discover.

The weekly show features E! News correspondents Zuri Hall and Morgan Stewart, plus comedian Justin Martindale.

Each week they’ll discuss celebrity fashion trends, from the streets of New York to the red carpets of Los Angeles and everywhere in between.

What the Fashion is the latest show launched in partnership between E! and Snapchat, alongside The Rundown, Face Forward and Ask Kylie.

E! News & Digital Executive Vice President and General Manager John Najarian said: “Now more than ever, E! News is focused on producing the best shows on the most engaged platforms and ‘What the Fashion’ delivers both.”


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Discovery Networks

„Discovery Networks” lūdza „Global Listings” izveidot jaunu rentablu sistēmu, kas ļautu medijiem Lielbritānijā un Eiropas, Vidējo Austrumu un Āfrikas valstīs ātri saņemt programmu sarakstus un anotācijas (gan angliski, gan tulkotas citās valodās); mēs esam ļoti apmierināti ar šī uzņēmuma darbu.

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„Global Listings” ir sniedzis „KidsCo” ārkārtīgi efektīvus un profesionālus pakalpojumus. Mūsu globālā mēroga partnerība ar „Global Listings” liecina par to, ka mums nepieciešams partneris, kurš izprot mūsu zīmola vēstījumu un nodrošina visaptverošus pakalpojumus. Tieši to spēj „Global Listings”.