Friday, December 8th, 2017

Lifetime’s new competition reality series ‘Glam Masters’ is set to be hosted and judged by Emmy Award nominee Laverne Cox. She will be joined by celebrity makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic, YouTube pioneer Kandee Johnson and fashion editor Zanna Roberts Rassi as fellow judges. The series will be executive produced by Kim Kardashian West and Diana Madison.

Glam Masters will comprise eight episodes, each featuring four beauty bloggers who will go head-to-head in themed challenges to show Cox and the other judges that they’ve got what it takes to be the next big name in beauty. Each weekly episode will bring them closer to the Tournament of Masters finale, in which one contestant will be claim the title of Glam Master.

Glam Masters will join Lifetime’s catalogue of fashion and beauty series, which includes ‘American Beauty Star’ and ‘Making a Model’. The series is produced by Shed Media, a division of Warner Bros, and will premiere on Wednesday 28 February at 10pm ET/PT.


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Insight, International

De când Insight TV şi-a lansat prima emisiune in octombrie 2015, Global Listings s-a dovedit a fi un partener de încredere şi responsabil pentru toate serviciile necesare legate de programe TV online şi prezentări de emisiuni pentru mass-media. Echipa este prietenoasă şi dedicată şi înţelege necesităţile companiei noastre, ceea ce este esenţial pentru noi, în calitate de canal nou, în expansiune, pe piaţa de televiziune liniară. Preţuim foarte mult această relaţie şi aşteptăm cu nerăbdare să colaborăm şi la lansarea următoarelor emisiuni, pe măsură ce ne vom extinde la nivel global.