Friday, March 2nd, 2018

Aurora Teagarden (Candace Cameron Bure) and Emma Fielding (Courtney Thorne Smith) find themselves once again face to face with must-solve mysteries on Movies 24 this March.

The new Aurora Teagarden mystery, Last Scene Alive, sees Aurora on the trail of a killer who’s struck uncomfortably close to home. This time, she’s out to prove the innocence of a former beau, author Robin Crusoe, after the filming of the movie based on his book results in the death of the actress playing Aurora. Recruiting the Real Murders Club to help her, the real Aurora investigates a lengthy list of suspects in order to uncover the perpetrator – and keep everyone else safe.

Last Scene Alive: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery premieres Saturday 3 March at 3pm.

Then, in Past Malice: An Emma Fielding Mystery, archaeology professor Emma (Courtney Thorne Smith) is recruited to help with a ground-breaking excavation beneath historic Chandler Castle. But there are more than artefacts in the crypts, and Emma soon makes the gruesome discovery: the body of her murdered colleague who was heading up the project. As she takes over the job, Emma makes some unsettling connections to an age-old curse. Can she solve the mysterious circumstances surrounding the murder, or will she be buried along with her colleague?

Past Malice: An Emma Fielding Mystery premieres Saturday 17 March at 3pm.


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