Friday, February 9th, 2018

A slate of romance premieres on Movies 24 means viewers can celebrate Valentine’s Day all month long. The films about love, taking chances and following your heart are on at 3pm every Saturday and Sunday throughout the month.

The Art of Us, premiering 10 February, stars Taylor Cole as an art professor who has her heart set on a tenured position – if she can pull off an impressive art opening at the university. But when her showcase artist backs out last minute, Harper is forced to find help in an unexpected place: from her dog walker (Steve Lund).

My Perfect Romance, premiering 11 February, follows two co-workers (Christopher Russell and Kimberley-Sure Murray) as they try out a new matchmaking app.

Groomzilla, premiering 17 February, sees newly-engaged Alyssa (Elizabeth Rice) surprised by her laid-back fiancé Tucker (Darin Brooks)’s sudden fervour for wedding planning.

Sun, Sand and Romance, premiering 18 February, stars Tricia Helfer as a busy publishing executive who finds her resort holiday has more to offer than she expects.

Once Upon a Date, premiering 24 February, merges romance and theatre with the story of a small family-owned theatre struggling to stay afloat as they put on the production Once Upon a Date.

Falling for Vermont, premiering 25 February, stars Julie Gonzalo as a best-selling author who discovers a quiet life when she’s rescued by a handsome doctor after a car accident.


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